You are an amazing thing
With your own force you rise up so high
Spring Spring Spring
You are an amazing thing.
We have had such a wonderful Spring. The weather has been incredible, so many sunny days. We still spend our mornings outside. We have been exploring the beach near Dupont trailhead. Our Forest Gatherings havMondays we spent the mornings at Outer Point. So many adventures with such small people.
Here are our Monthly Guides for April and May
Theme- Spring
Spring! Spring! Spring!
You are a brave thing;
On the ground you will not lie,
Always up from it you fly.
Your own force
Does, of course,
Take you up so high.
“The Story of the Root Children” by Sibylle von Olfers
This is my trunk, I’m a tall, tall tree.
In spring time buds blossom on me, I open , I open.
This is my trunk, I’m a tall, tall tree.
In the summer time, sun shines on me. It shines, it shines.
This is my trunk, I’m a tall, tall tree.
In the Fall time, breezes blow through me. I sway, I sway.
This is my trunk, I’m a tall, tall tree.
In the Winter time, sap oozes from me. It’s sticky, it’s sticky.
Week 1- Senses Meditation “Look, Listen, Feel”
Week 2- I Spy with my little eye –signs of Spring
Week 3- Spring boutique
Week 4- Mussels Art Walk
Forest Gathering
Theme- Rainbow
Theme- Rainbow
I’ll be a little sunbeam true,
A tiny ray of light,
And try in all I say and do
To make the world more bright.
“The Sunbeam’s Visit” by Cornelia Fulton Crary
One day, as the glorious sun came up to bid the world "Good morning," one beam of light came out with all the rest, and went to give its part of rightness to the people of the world. In this beam of light were six little rays; but they all had on white cloaks, and they went along so close together that they
looked like one clear, white ray.
It was early in the morning, and as the beam of light went on its way straight from the sun, to take its message of love and brightness to the world just as well and quickly as it could, it went through between two of the slits of the
blind in the window of the room where little Johnny was snugly tucked in bed fast asleep; and it shone right on the top of a glass inkstand which Johnny's mother kept on the table. As the beam of light went through the sharp edges of the clear glass, all the little rays took off their white cloaks, and went and stood hand in hand in a streak of colors on the white ceiling.
Each one of the six rays that made the beam of light was a different color. Three of them were strong, and able to take care of their little brothers and help them to be bright as they were, just as little children who are bright and happy help others to be bright and happy too. These three strong rays were
red and yellow and blue.
The red and the yellow rays had between them another ray who held tight to both of them, and the red and the yellow ray each gave him some of their brightness; so he was an orange ray. And the yellow and the blue had fast hold of the little green ray which was between them, sharing the brightness of the yellow and the coolness of the blue ray, and very happy and bright
himself while he was standing close to them. Then at the end of the line, close to the blue, stood another ray. He was something like the red ray at the other end of the line, who gave him some of his red glow; but he was more like the blue, because he stood close to him and shared his color, which, mixed with the red, made him a purple ray. So there they stood, the red and
the orange, the yellow and the green, the blue and the purple rays, holding each other's hands and looking at Johnny.
And all this didn't take as long to happen as it takes to tell about it; for as they looked at him, Johnny felt their brightness against his eyelids, and opened his eyes to see what it was, and said: "Why, there is the light; it must be morning." So he got up right away, and washed his face and hands very clean, and dressed, so he would not be late to breakfast. He opened the
blinds to let more of the sunshine in, and then the six little rays ran back through the glass and put on their white cloaks again, and went with all the other beams of light to make the day bright. And Johnny stood before the window and said "Good morning" to the sun, which had sent the beam
of light to visit him and make him glad.
“Beams of Love Fingerplay”
Round the golden dome above
(arms above head in a circle)
Sends to me its beams of love
(bring arms slowly down and cross over heart)
As I go about my day
(move arms back and forth like ‘walking’)
Beams of love unfold in play
(start with hands crossed over heart and slowly bring arms down and outward)
Take these beams I give to you
(hands outstretched showing palms, move the outward more)
And pass them on in all you do
(bring hands together in front of you)
Week 1 Low tide- Tidal animals
Week 2 Make a rainbow with found objects-
(each child will be assigned a color)
Week 3 Find your favorite color in nature
Week 4 Rock Art- balancing
Landry and Wilder's Birthday
I have started a new tradition of Birthdays. On the morning of each kids birthday we go outside to the place we buried their placenta into the ground. Landry has 3 blueberry bushes growing over his and Wilder has a May tree growing over his. We set up their birthday ring and sing Happy Birthday and open a few presents. Both birthday mornings went wonderful. Landry received a needle felted robin, nest and eggs from Mom and Dad and a dinosaur egg from Wilder. They both received a gnome house from Mopsy and Pop. Wilder received furniture for the gnome house and a running bike. Also, on their 3rd birthday I make them their birthday crown. Wilder's crown had a black bear and 2 fiddle head ferns. I had a joint birthday party for both at Auke Rec.
After the birthday party we left and went straight to Echo Cove, where we met some friends (Lindasy Bloom and Brian Delay) at the boat launch. We packed our camping gear onto the skiff and took for for an adventure into Berner's Bay. On our way into the Bay we stopped and dropped a couple of crab pots. Wilder really enjoyed touching the crab bait ( halibut heads and leftover salmon scraps). We trolled for king salmon and jigged for halibut. When we arrived at the cabin a humpback whale cow and calf were feeding 50ft from the shore of the cabin throughout the evening and into the night. We saw 2 black bears and many sea lions. On our way back home we pulled the crab pots and kept 20 dunganess crabs. It was a great camping trip for us all.